Hard to find replacement tubes or hoses?
We can build them from raw material!
Custom Brake Hoses – Rubber & Stainless (In Colors)
** Celebrating over 30 years in the same location **

Lubrication Equipment:
Sales, Service, System Design & Installation.
Alemite, Lincoln, Graco, Balcrank, Service on all brands.
Alemite, Lincoln, Graco, Balcrank, Service on all brands.

Hydraulic Jacks, Factory Authorized Service On Most Major Brands:
Repair Kits - Lincoln & Hein-Werner
Automotive Lift Repair
Domestic: Lincoln, Walker, US Jack, Hein Werner, Gray, OTC, Weaver
Imports: Omega, AFF, Norco, Sunex, Craftsman, AC Delco,
Auto & Truck Frame equipment repair.
Automotive Lift Repair
Domestic: Lincoln, Walker, US Jack, Hein Werner, Gray, OTC, Weaver
Imports: Omega, AFF, Norco, Sunex, Craftsman, AC Delco,
Auto & Truck Frame equipment repair.

Tire Equipment:
Corghi, Accu-Turn, Branick, Service on most major brands.
Automotive Lift Equipment:
Lift Inspections, Cylinder Rebuilds, Service on all brands
Trash Compactors, Cardboard Balers & Dock Lifts:
Authorized Service on PTR, Wastequip Accurate, Gallant & Advance
Service on all brands
Service on all brands

312 N. Delaware Ave. Springfield, MO 65802
Voice: 417-869-7933 Fax: 417-869-7940
Chuck Avery - Owner cavery@vorishydraulics.com
Voice: 417-869-7933 Fax: 417-869-7940
Chuck Avery - Owner cavery@vorishydraulics.com